

Give yourself permission to relax.

Meet Bri

I’m a certified Sound & Energy Healing Practitioner based in Baltimore, MD. My mission is to empower the community through energy work, sound, and movement. My goal is to offer holistic alternatives to help manage your everyday stress.

I am a language & travel enthusiast (speaking French & Spanish), who loves live music, and a good vanilla chai.

  • To sum it up, much of my story comes from trying to fit a square into a circle.

    For about two decades, I’ve had the same vivid recurring dream of a musical scene - laughing and dancing amongst friends and loved ones in a barn house with white walls and high ceilings. I felt love, acceptance, and joy in that drum circle. That was my first call. 

    In truth, my subconscious has always understood my life’s path, long before I could articulate it for myself. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum and been a free spirit. Everyone around me could see it, but I was the last one to appreciate this gift. 

    For years I struggled to find my way. I got married at a young age, worked unfulfilling jobs, and pushed towards goals that appeared good on paper. I was merely existing. I often thought to myself, “Is this really MY life?” There was an emptiness inside that I could not overcome. How had I become so complacent? What happened to my dreams?

    It wasn’t until after my miscarriage that I slowly began to evaluate the direction of my life. Things were seemingly fine externally, but internally, the grief was taking over. 

    Through prayer, therapy, and the courage to leap, I was able to gain more clarity. I chose to explore - both the world and aspects of myself. Most importantly I gave myself grace and time to be still and listen which is now something I prioritize with all of my clients.

    As I continue my journey, and witness life’s beautiful unfolding, I find myself living out that dream from so many years ago… and I am incredibly grateful to share that light with you. 

Hugs & Love



Training & Credentials

Sound Healing

Vibrational Sound Therapy

Reiki Master - Usui Holy Fire III

Yin Yoga


Mindfulness & Meditation

Master’s in Secondary Education

B.A. Foreign Language - French & Spanish